greg kimnach

metal working tips and safety for the amiga tower projects

these are just some general tips (mostly common sense, or innate for guys to know):

  1. cutting: whether you use a hand saw, saber saw, or tin snips (you manly man), always cut short of the final size. then, using a metal rasp, file out the excess metal. also, when using a saw, make sure to clamp down the workpiece on both sides, parallel to the cut. this will keep the saw from pulling upward on the metal on the back stroke--thereby minimizing bending of the metal.
  2. use a bench vise when filing. since most of the cuts/filing you'll be doing are straight lines, clamp the metal into the vise with only 1/8" (3 to 4mm) of material showing above the vice. file in one continuous motion across the length of the line with the rasp turned approximately 30degrees into the direction of the filing motion. also, put some pressure on the front of the file.
  3. when bending metal, clamp the metal piece into the vice with the line, along which the bend will be made, "just showing". bend the metal by gently tapping along the length of the metal with a hammer. when it's bent to approximately 90degrees, hit with a bit more vigor along the edge.
  4. epoxying. the directions on the package should mention it, but i'll reiterate it. the surfaces to be epoxied should be clean and free of paint. sand the surfaces to remove paint and provide a somewhat rough surface. clean with rubbing alcohol before epoxying.
  5. most importantly: always where eye (and ear) protection!!!!!!! metal filings in the eyes can be painful and lead to permanent loss of sight!!!!!!! ear protection is important because the high frequencies can lead to hearing loss over time....not to mention that they can grate on one's nerves:-)

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email kimnach

This site developed and maintained by greg kimnach.


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